A modern invention, sleeve gastrectomy is the intervention that is currently looking for the top spot in the surgical management of morbid obesity. Basically, sleeve gastrectomy means that part of the stomach is removed laparoscopically, leaving only the "tube" stomach. As in the case of the ring, it is a permanent intervention that reduces the volume of the stomach, thus becoming limited intervention.

Reduction of food intake related to the fact that the bag fills up quickly and emptying slowly, encourage a feeling of fullness that will last longer. In addition, there are several hormonal changes associated with interventions that will result in severe decline. Regular monitoring is essential for the success of the operation.

Sleeve gastrectomy is considered primarily as measures aimed at preventing the development of health problems associated with obesity. Of course, behind this purely "medical" act one will find a large variety of everyday problems experienced by people who are overweight: psychological, relational, difficulty moving or shortness of breath. These problems are only partly taken into account when it comes to decision-making operation.

Surgery is actually the last option to obtain a stable weight loss. Type gastrectomy is that intervention occurs under general anesthesia. As with any surgery, has risks and potential complications. It is not and should not be considered elective surgery and, if the patient does not present sufficient overweight as measured by body mass index, will not even be considered. Balance multidisciplinary preoperative evaluation including those of the treating physician, psychiatrist, nutritionist and surgeon or endocrinologist. Additional advice may be requested from an expert cardiac, pulmonary or anesthesia.

The patient will be admitted to the hospital the day before surgery and there will be 4 to 5 more days you will spend in the hospital after surgery. This operation is performed under general anesthesia in laparoscopic surgery, using 5 scars from 5 to 15 mm is formed at the top of the stomach, which would allow the introduction of a camera, a variety of instruments, and stapling pliers. A small scar is less than 10 cm will be reached at the end of surgery to remove the abdominal segments are cut after putting in the bag.

This procedure usually takes between 1 hour and a half to 2 hours. It involves cutting the stomach vertically and leave in place the gastric tube. Another part of the stomach is removed permanently. Unlike ring, this is an irreversible operation. After surgery, the patient will remain for about two hours in the recovery room before being taken back to the general intensive care unit.

With laparoscopic procedures, full recovery was obtained within 15 days to 3 weeks of operation. This operation is well established, but it still remains a major procedure, including some degree of significant complications, including reactions to anesthesia, infection or bleeding wound of the abdominal organs, especially when the surgical dissection difficult.

The purpose of the sleeve gastrectomy is to achieve ideal weight by maintaining a balanced diet. It is recommended to maintain a healthy life after surgery, including engaging in physical activity.